Wednesday 18 September 2019

Ad of the week: Celebrate creativity this Durga Pujo!

Yes, I found the ad for the week!

Let's talk about the beauty of the ad in a few lines (I know you don't have time to read a long description), So here I go with just two lines to describe the whole creative idea of the ad. 

A Perfect combination of;
creativity in juxtaposing Durga with normal airplane scene and 
congruency of timing to release the ad (period of Durga puja),
Cultural congruency (use of word poju, 'Kolkata').

Learning for Advertisers:
1. always build the creative theme of your ad around a current event coming soon or going on during release of the ad and vice versa, it could be a cultural event (festival), political event (election, policy change) or social event. 
2. try to depict the idea using a normal scene of common men so that anyone can easily identify themselves with the situation in ad as in this case its a common scene in an airplane.

your comments, recommendation, ideas on post/ad/supporting content are more than welcome.🙌